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Coffee and Conversation a hit with residents, prospects to follow

Last September an important discussion took place during a meeting attended by Danica Loftin, Marketing Director at Topeka Presbyterian Manor.

“We were discussing what holds people back from moving to a senior living community,” Loftin explained. “Perhaps unsurprisingly, the reasons are different for women than men.”

Women are generally concerned about not knowing anyone, being unliked or not making connections.

“We started talking about how to overcome those things and the idea of coffee and conversation was born.”

Loftin said she has never been a fan of “doing events just to do events” but has always believed God gave her the gift of being a connector.

“We wanted to have a way for prospects to meet residents and have a time and place to have a comfortable interaction that would not be all sales pitchy, but rather a comfortable connection,” she said. “My Dad used to love coffee groups and it fit with that need shared by women to make connections.”

Residents at Topeka Presbyterian Manor were already having a coffee and trivia event in the morning so it was agreed that Danica would take the second Monday of every month to invite outside prospects and outside presenters.

“We are so excited to see this come together!” she said.

Stay tuned to learn more about this exciting, monthly event.

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