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“Phil and Roses”

What do Phil and roses share in common? February! The most famous of groundhogs, Punxsutawney Phil, is expected to emerge on February 2nd. When he does, we’ll have some idea as to how much more winter there will be. Regardless of whether or not Phil sees his shadow, the world will see lots of roses – an estimated 250 million of them on February 14th – Valentine’s Day!

Expressions of love given in the form of flowers, candy, cards, etc. will be seen and shared on the 14th. The Bible encourages us to share love with others: “Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another” (1 John 4:11, NIV). This kind of a loving affection and attitude can be as simple and genuine as a smile, hug, handshake, or deed of thoughtfulness. The motive behind your love is much more important than any material gift. In fact, once again, the Bible urges us to “do everything in love” (1 Corinthians 16:14, NIV). So, make sure you take time to share the love!

For you football fans out there, maybe the team you love will be playing in the Super Bowl. It’s the biggest game of the year happening on February 12th with over 208 million estimated to be watching. If the statistics align, there should be a rose for each person watching!

Presidents Day is on Monday, Feb. 20 this year. Presidents Day is celebrated on the third Monday of February every year. For some, this is a paid holiday off. Presidents Day is also a day off in most public schools. For all of us, Presidents Day is a reminder to pray for our local state, and national leaders. 1 Timothy 2:1-4 encourages us to do so – and they need our prayers.

Maybe you or a loved one will celebrate a birthday in February? If you do you’re sharing your birthday month with Thomas Edison, Barbie, and Facebook! How’s that for some famous company?

February can sometimes be a challenging month as the winter drags on. However, February whets our springtime appetites: there will be more daylight for your vitamin D needs, the sunsets seem to become more brilliant, and the birds are beginning to migrate back north.

From chocolates and flowers, to groundhogs and football, the shortest month of the year has a lot to offer. In February, make sure you take time to stop and smell the roses – which by the way aren’t far off!

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